29th Farhang Alley ( Ghal’ Gar Alley )., Fazel Naraghi Ave., Kamal-ol-molk sq, Kashan, Iran Montrer sur la carte
Sayeh Saray is star accommodation in Kashan. Guests will enjoy Iranian hospitality and complimentary breakfast during their stay at Sayeh Saray. Sayeh Saray is recommended by 1stQuest for guests seeking traditional accommodation in Kashan. En savoir plus
See Rooms & PricesPrix des chambres et disponibilités selon les dates que vous avez sélectionnées:
29th Farhang Alley ( Ghal’ Gar Alley )., Fazel Naraghi Ave., Kamal-ol-molk sq, Kashan, Iran
De 14:00Sortie
Avant 12:00Children and Extra bed:
All children under 4 years can use an existing bed for free.
All children from 4 to 7 years are charged EUR 6 per night for Extra bed.
+32 Accommodations Available
(verified purchase)
(verified purchase)
December 2022
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March 2020