
Book Hotels & Hostels in Mashhad

54 hotels & hostels in Mashhad

5 Star Hotel

Almas Hotel 2

5 Star Hotel

Darvishi Royal Hotel

5 Star Hotel

Jahan Grand Hotel

4 Star Hotel

Madinah Al-Javad Hotel

5 Star Hotel

Khursheed-e-Hashtom Rauf Kowsar Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Javaher Shargh Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Razavieh Grand Hotel

5 Star Hotel

Hayat Shargh Hotel

5 Star Hotel

Ghasr Talaee International Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Atlas Hotel

5 Star Hotel

Madinah AL Reza

4 Star Hotel

Atrak Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Hatra Hotel

5 Star Hotel

Ghasralziafe Hotel

4 Star Hotel

Javad Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Jam Hotel

4 Star Hotel

Almas Hotel

4 Star Hotel

Emad Hotel

4 Star Hotel

Tara Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Khaneye Sabz Hotel

4 Star Hotel

Sarina Hotel

5 Star Hotel

Park Hayat Hotel

4 Star Hotel

Refah Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Mada'in Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Ario Hotel

5 Star Hotel

Ziafat Alzahra Hotel

5 Star Hotel

Misagh Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Tehran Hotel

4 Star Hotel

Imperatour Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Rose Darvishi Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Seebarg Hotel (Si Barg Hotel)

5 Star Hotel

Sinoor Hotel

4 Star Hotel

Ferdous Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Pasargad Negin Hotel

4 Star Hotel

Kiana Hotel

4 Star Hotel

Khorshid Taban Hotel

5 Star Hotel

Parsis Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Boshra Hotel

5 Star Hotel

Homa Hotel 2

4 Star Hotel

Almas Novin Hotel

4 Star Hotel

Iran Hotel

5 Star Hotel

Pardisan Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Afra Apartment Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Iran Zamin Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Noor Hotel

2 Star Hotel

Faraz Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Sepanta Hotel (Espinas)

3 Star Hotel

Monji Hotel

Shokouh iman

3 Star Hotel

Miami Hotel

2 Star Hotel

Aminian Hotel

5 Star Hotel

Aftab Shargh Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Arsh Hotel

3 Star Hotel

Reza Hotel

Frequently Asked Questions

April through to early June and mid-August through to October are the best times to visit Mashhad.

The Ghasr Talaee International Hotel offers five-star luxury and the Ferdous Hotel is a good option for mid-range travelers.
Visit the amazing Imam Reza Shrine Complex and buy saffron in the saffron capital of the world at the Mashhad Bazaar.

Depending on your hotel, for a night at a double room, a typical traveler would pay something between €30 and €50, with the price going up as the hotels get better.