No. 82, Somayeh Junction, South Mofatteh St., Tehran, Показать на карте
Mina Hotel - это 2 звездное жилье в Тегеран. Гости будут наслаждаться иранским гостеприимством и бесплатным завтраком во время их пребывания в Mina Hotel. Mina Hotel рекомендуется 1 -й квестой для гостей, ищущих Эконом размещения в Тегеран. Узнать больше
Смотрите номера и ценыHistory & Experience
Located in the south Mofateh Street, Mina Hotel was established in 2014.
Location & Accessibility
From one side the hotel is connected to Haft-e Tir Square, and to the Darwazeh Dowlat subway station from the other.
Lobby & Ambiance
The hotel has a cozy lobby and a restaurant that serves breakfast and Persian dishes. While the building's history is noticeable in the structure, the constant cleaning and well lighting have made this a proper 2* hotel.
Rooms & Corridors
With 6 floors and 75 rooms, this hotel features 1-bed, 2-bed, and 3-bed rooms and suites; all decked modestly. Rooms are adequately heated with convection heaters.
Good to Know
As some rooms only come with a traditional squat toilet, remember to state your preference during reservation.
Since this hotel doesn’t have private parking, guests can use the public parking nearby.
Цены на номера и информация о наличии комнат указаны на выбранные вами даты:
С 14:00Выписка из гостиницы
До 12:00+71 Доступны жилье
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June 2022