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КорзинаRd. 26 Karimkan ZandSt From Isfahan Gate, Taimoori ST, Rd30 before the shrine, right cross the bakery, Показать на карте
Darbe Shazdeh - это звездное жилье в Шираз. Гости будут наслаждаться иранским гостеприимством и бесплатным завтраком во время их пребывания в Darbe Shazdeh. Darbe Shazdeh рекомендуется 1 -й квестой для гостей, ищущих Роскошь размещения в Шираз. Узнать больше
Смотрите номера и ценыHistory
The charming Darbe Shazdeh boutique hotel was opened in 2018 to highlight the essence of Shiraz’s history.
This premise has 9 rooms each decked in a unique way and having a different ambience. The rooms are equipped with a TV, a mini-fridge, a telephone, and a bed lamp. All rooms have an en-suite bathroom with all the necessary toiletries; some also feature a balcony. Breakfast is served daily in Darbe Shazdeh hotel. Wi-Fi is available throughout.
They serve traditional Persian cuisine in their restaurant, and they also have a cozy coffee shop with compelling beverages.
Among the hotel’s other amenities and services is dry cleaning, room service, and airport transport.
Public Transport
Darbe Shazdeh hotel is a 5-minute walk from Vali’asr square taxi stand, subway station, and bus stop.
Nearby Attractions
This hotel is within walking distance from Vakil Bath, Sharze restaurant, Shazdeh Mansour tomb, Fanos coffee shop, Bein ol Haramein shopping center, and Dash Akol Traditional Restaurant.
Access to Airports and Railroads
Darbe Shazdeh hotel is 19-minute drive (9.9 km) from Shiraz Shahid Dastgheib International Airport, and a 37-minute drive (26 km) from Shiraz’s railroad.
Distance from Main Attractions
Travel times may vary depending on the traffic.
Events and Activities
Darbe Shazdeh hotel offers a tour of all the popular tourist attractions in Shiraz.
This property is recommended for families, friends, and couples.
Цены на номера и информация о наличии комнат указаны на выбранные вами даты:
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Rd. 26 Karimkan ZandSt From Isfahan Gate, Taimoori ST, Rd30 before the shrine, right cross the bakery,
С 14:00Выписка из гостиницы
До 12:00+42 Доступны жилье
5 Star Hotel Роскошь Бизнес
От €99.16 за ночь
От €95 за ночь
5 Star Hotel Роскошь Бизнес
От €88.38 за ночь
5 Star Hotel Роскошь Традиционный Экзотика
От €65.87 за ночь